I would like to wish you a lot of health, happiness and success in the new year 2023, both professional and private.
The beginning of the new year is also suitable for summarizing the previous one and introducing plans for the upcoming one:
The year 2022
At the beginning of the year, we created this humac.group website, which serves as the headquarters of the organization. Everything related to HUMAC Group n.o. is published on this page. You can find, among other things, a list of members as well as a list of all publications that have been made on HUMAC® products. We also created the logo of the organization. In September last year, there was also a change in the post of director and Mgr. Petr Bujňák was replaced by me, RNDr. Michal Procházka, PhD. I would like to briefly introduce myself to you:
RNDr. Michal Procházka, PhD.
I come from Bratislava and work for HUMAC s.r.o. I joined in September 2021 as an independent researcher for research and use of humic substances. I studied physical chemistry at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Bratislava and after finishing my doctorate I worked for 5 years as a researcher at the Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (polymer.sav.sk). Since 2017, I have also been a member of the board of the Slovak Chemical Society (schems.sk).
During my studies, I focused on secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and then at PI SAS on testing mechanical properties using the nanoindentation technique and preparing polymer composites with new types of inorganic 2D nanofillers – MXenes.
Plans for the year 2023
The main goal of this year will be to search for projects and grants in which we could participate and use our humic acids. We will continue to look for new members and also supplement publications and articles and work on new ones.
Getting funding is no less important. Of course, we will try to get some projects or subsidies, but at the moment we can only get money in the form of donations.
A donation form is published on the Donate to us page, which can be used to send any financial donation to the organization.
We have also registered in the list of recipients of 2% of the tax. On the Donate to us page (SK version only) you can also find a pre-filled form and the procedure for sending 2% of your taxes to our organization. I would also like to ask you to forward this information to your friends, who could also send 2% of their taxes to support the functioning of our organization and the implementation of the plans mentioned above.
Thank you very much in advance.
RNDr. Michal Procházka, PhD.
director of HUMAC Group n.o.